September 5, 2014

Today is about YOU

It's 6 am and the alarm goes off. Today is the first day of your new journey. You've committed to making a change in your life. You have been sick for too long. You've been depressed. You've been tired and unhappy. You've began to hate everything about your life including getting up in the morning.

Today that stops. You have committed to making that change. YOU are in control of your life. YOU are the writer of your own story and today is a new day. A blank page. You're starting fresh; starting new. You realize it won't be easy. It will be the hardest thing you have ever done. But you're committed. You know this is what you need and you are willing to make the sacrifices to make a change in your life. You will fall off the wagon. You will feel defeated. You will hit that breaking point where you feel like you cannot do it anymore. You will think it's too hard, and that you don't have the strength.

You will want to quit.


YOU WILL NOT QUIT! You will push through! YOU can do this. YOU WILL do this. You have GOT this.

All of those thoughts running through your head. All of the tears, the fears, the unknown. Squash them. Feel them, and then squash them!

You are the writer of your own story. Today is a new day. What do you want it to say?

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